Project THEOS-2 In partnership with Airbus DS, we are developing a decision support tool to guide Thai public policies in the management of water resources, rice production, and natural disasters. Themes and Challenges The issue of water is a fundamental priority in...
Climate change adaptation tools for European communities

Climate change adaptation tools for European communities

Project VALORADA Provision of data manipulation tools to regions and communities in Europe in order to guide their adaptation strategies to climate change and evaluate the impact of public policies. pour orienter les politiques publiques thaïlandaises en matière de...
Geospatial ecosystem for sustainable agriculture in Uzbekistan

Geospatial ecosystem for sustainable agriculture in Uzbekistan

Geoferma Projet | Agriculture Geoferma Calendar – September 2021 – May 2024 Funding – Dir Générale du Trésor (FASEP) Budget – €87k Partners – Airbus D&S, GE Data, OzbeKosmos Project description – Create a comprehensive geospatial...
Green Urban Sat, a space climate observatory

Green Urban Sat, a space climate observatory

Green Urban Sat Projet | Environment | Territories Green Urban Sat (Climate Space Observatory) Calendar – December 2021 – December 2024 Funding – CNES Budget – €190k Partners – CEREMA, A2S, Nancy University LIVE, Nancy Metropole Project...